Dementia Care in New Wilmington, PA
Discover our unique “Woodside” approach to caring for individuals living with Alzheimer’s and dementia. Residents of our Woodside neighborhood experience comprehensive dementia care that enhances the lives of people living with Alzheimer’s and other related dementias.
Based on the nationally recognized Presbyterian SeniorCare Network Woodside program, the Woodside model of care creates a safe living environment and celebrates everyday moments.
The Woodside program combines an innovative philosophy of care with unique design features, giving your loved one a flexible, yet secure, living environment, that offers an individualized, person-centered quality of life not possible within a traditional dementia care setting. As your loved one’s needs change, our team is trained to adapt to and respect their lifestyle – whatever those needs may be.
Every team member in our organization—from nursing and therapy to housekeeping and maintenance—receives dementia-specific training and is certified through CARES®. Woodside Place direct care team members receive additional specialized training, and benefit from the expertise of certified dementia care practitioners throughout Presbyterian SeniorCare Network.
Check out our events especially for Dementia Care, including Memory Cafes exclusively for individuals living with dementia and their caregivers. Or consider attending one of our Alzheimer’s Support Groups to gather with those who understand the challenges surrounding dementia care.

For more information about our Woodside program, please click here to contact us online or give us a call at 1-724-946-3516.